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Top Gerontologist Geriatric Care Manager Rockwall Texas

Benefits of Working With A Gerontologist & Geriatric Care Manager  Call 949-346-5960

Assistance from a Geriatric Care Manager in Rowlett, Rockwall or Heath Texas with ongoing monitoring can prevent costly crises and unnecessary hospitalization. Geriatric Care Managers can be especially helpful when family members live far apart or when there are family dynamics and a facilitator is needed. Sometimes seniors are fearful of losing their independence and they don’t feel comfortable sharing their fears and concerns with their loved one. A Geriatric Care Manager will act as a liaison with families to help maintain good communication with families and other support systems to build or maintain important links between seniors and their families and, with permission, to alert families to problems areas that they may be able to assist with.

Geriatric Care Managers can reduce inappropriate institutional care and overuse of services as well as reduce miscommunications, time, stress, and cost to clients.

Yolanda Lawler, MASM RCFE

Serving North Texas and California



The Way to Aging

My Journey

Serving California  &  North Texas Learn More

Heath TX Rowlett, Rockwall or North Texas

I fell in love with Gerontology and the elderly population while attending Cal State University, Fullerton (CSUF). At the time I was experiencing many challenges with my aging mother; It was not easy navigating the difficult role reversal that many of us experience with our aging parents, as well as being the sandwich generation (caring for my child and my mom). I was starting to resent being my mom’s caregiver.

Thankfully during my studies of Gerontology, I had the opportunity to understand the challenges my mother and I were experiencing. I put into practice what I was learning and helped my mother and my siblings with our journey. We were able to have a dialogue about difficult topics such as; finances, physical changes, decline, spiritual beliefs, the stigma of aging, and end of life wishes. This led my family to have a better experience helping our mother embrace aging and feel understood and supported through her journey.

I then decided to further my knowledge, experience, and education in Gerontology. After graduating from CSUF with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a minor in Gerontology, I pursued a Masters of Aging Services Management (MASM) from the University of Southern California (USC). I’ve been blessed to work with the elderly population as Case Manager in a special program for isolated older adults to support community reintegration.

I specialize in working with individuals with different types of Dementia; Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Vascular, Lewy Body, Frontotemporal, and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). I have an extensive background in working with the geriatric population in senior living facilities, home care, and memory care settings as well as end of life (Hospice). As a Gerontologist, I understand the importance of treating older adults as the whole person by assessing the psychological, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects of aging in order to determine the best approach to create a personalized care plan and enhance the person’s life.

I am passionate about helping the elderly and their families navigate the complicated journey of aging by providing resources and services that will help the elderly age in place successfully and with dignity. I understand aging is a journey not only for the elderly but for the entire family, and not every journey looks the same.  Call Me Today 🙂 949-278-6181

Now Serving Texas


North Texas Dallas, Rockwall, Plano, Frisco, Royse City,

Heath, Mesquite, Richardson, Allen, Farmersville, Wylie,

Princeton, Prosper,  McKinney,  Sherman, Fort Worth,

Weatherford, Mellissa, Grapevine, Rowlett, Little Elm, Celina,

Anna, Irving, Mansfield, Midlothian, & Waxahachie.


  • Masters of Aging Services Management from the University of Southern California (USC).

USC logo

  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Gerontology from Cal State, University of Fullerton (CSUF).

California State University Fullerton

Professional Associations and Memberships

  • Screened and cleared by the Department of Social Services to work with the elderly – Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (RCFE) #6041115740.
  • Member of California Council on Gerontology and Geriatric.
  • Honor recipient of Sigma Phi Omega, Gamma Kappa and Psi-Chi International Honor Society.

Specialized in Dementia and Elderly Care – FREE SENIOR PLACEMENT