Advanced Healthcare Directive

Advance Health Care Directive (AHCD)
- Advance directives and POLST forms are both advance care planning tools, but they are different in many ways. This can be challenging because there are different words for these tools in each state.
- AHCD is a legal form that let you have a say about how you want to be cared for if you are seriously ill.
- AHCDs let you: choose a medical decision-maker, decide what level of care you want in a medical emergency, choose flexibility for your decision-maker, and share your medical wishes. Without a complete ACHD, the medical team will make all medical decisions for you
- Used to legally name the person who you want to make medical decisions for you when you cannot communicate or participate in those discussions. This person is called a surrogate.
- Also used to provide information about your values, religious beliefs, what you enjoy doing, and any general treatment wishes.
- In your state, this document may be called an advance directive, living will, or health care power of attorney.