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Looking for a Place for Mom or Dad in Dallas Fort Worth or North Texas?

A board and care home is a licensed 24-hour care property. Often within someone’s personal home, these senior living homes offer room, board, 24-hour staffing, care services, and assistance with things such as bathing, dressing, medication management, and other forms of personal care.

Please call us before calling a Residential Care in DWF Dallas Texas. As a Gerontologist and previous Executive Director for Assisted Living and Memory Care Facilities we know how to navigate the industry. FREE of charge, we are able to guide clients to reputable Board and Care and advocate for our clients when matching them to a Board and Care that meets their needs. Our priority is our client’s well-being, comfort, and happiness.  Call Us Today 949-278-6181

10 Best Board & Care - Orange County California

Considerations for Residential Care Dallas Fort Worth .

Some considerations to be taken for Residential Care options are finances, Residential Care or Board and Care reputation, team’s longevity, team’s training, services offered. Some communities might charge for care separately, as your or your loved one decline you need to take into consideration the higher cost of care for the additional services as well as yearly rent increases. You want to ensure the Residential Care Board and Care is able to care for you or your loved one through end of life to avoid having to move later.

Working with A Geriatric Care Management Team

A well-trained care manager can help individuals remain as independent as possible by assessing the alternatives, whether it’s living at home with assistance or in other situations, such as supportive housing or assisted living facilities. Geriatric Care Managers have special training in Gerontology, Social Work, Nursing, or Counseling.   Call Us Today 949-278-6181

Determining Your Options with a Comprehensive Assessment

In order to identify which setting is best for our clients we perform a comprehensive assessment which includes; Fall Risk Evaluation, Geriatric Depression evaluation, Self-Medication assessment, Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s), Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Pain and Skin assessments as needed. Having an independent assessment prior to placing the older adult is important for many reasons:

  • Obtain an unbiased assessment.
  • Obtain a baseline.
  • Compare independent assessment to the assessment done by the community to ensure the correct services are provided and charged accordingly.

Making the decision to place a loved one in a Board and Care is a difficult one; please allow us to help you through these challenging times.  Call Us Today 949-278-6181

Specialized in Dementia and Elderly Care – FREE SENIOR PLACEMENT