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Free Senior-Placement-North-Texas

Looking for a Place for Mom or Dad in Heath Texas?

Moving is always difficult whether you are changing residences, moving closer to family, medical care providers, or looking for placements that provide direct care for you or your loved one.  Call Us Today 949-278-6181

The most common long-term care settings for the elderly are Assisted Living, Memory Care, and Board & Care. These settings offer residents an active lifestyle, services include: care with activities of daily living (ADLs), medication management, housekeeping, maintenance, and meals. Transitions are very difficult for the elderly, finding the right long-term care setting is extremely important as you don’t want to have to transition your loved one several times. We will help you find the best care setting for you or your loved one’s needs at no cost to you and assist you with relocating and provide support during the transition.

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North Texas Dallas, Rockwall TX, Plano TX, Frisco, Royse City,

Dallas, Forth Worth, Mansfield, Mesquite TX, Richardson

Royse City, Sherman Texas, Wylie TX, Anna TX,

Heath TX, Mesquite, Richardson TX, Allen, Farmersville, Wylie TX,

Princeton, Prosper TX,  McKinneySherman TX, Fort Worth,

Weatherford TX, Mellissa, Grapevine TX, Rowlett, Little Elm, Celina TX,

Irving, Mansfield TX, Midlothian, & Waxahachie TX.

Specialized in Dementia and Elderly Care – FREE SENIOR PLACEMENT