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Free Personalized Senior Placement Services

Serving Texas & California

Call Us Today 949-278-6181

Free Placement

Advocating For Your Loved Ones Like They Are Family!

Call Us Today 949-278-6181

Experts in Local Senior Living in Texas & California

Call Us Today 949-278-6181

Free Placement

Experts In Local Senior Living!

Call Us Today 949-278-6181



Providing The Best Care Options For Your Loved One!

Call Us Today 949-278-6181

Free Placement

Advocating For Your Loved Ones Like They Are Family!

Call Us Today 949-278-6181

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Geriatric Care Manager in Texas or California

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Helping Families Through Life


The Way to Aging: Specialized in Dementia and Elderly Care in Texas & California

Aging could be the best stage of a person’s life or the scariest and most difficult stage of their life. At The Way To Aging, we want to support the elderly and their families through the different stages and challenges of their aging journey. Through our Geriatric Care Management services, we provide solutions for concerns regarding dementia, crisis intervention, Our FREE Senior Placement services offer solutions in environments such as Assisted Living, Board, and Care, Memory Care. If the person can safely remain at home we can assist with Home Care solutions.

Our goal is to help the elderly and their families feel understood and supported through the aging journey and have a pleasant experience while embracing the aging process with dignity and respect.

Call Now 949-278-6181

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Los Angeles    Orange County 

Long Beach     Riverside   

Serving Southern California

Helping Seniors and Families in California and Texas with Crisis Management and Solutions, Geriatric Care Management, Free Senior Placement, Board and Care Memory Care Find Assisted Living, Board and Care Memory Care California Texas The Way To Aging

Management Services We Provide to Seniors

Helping California Families – Learn More


Now Helping Families in Texas Learn More

The Way to Aging is available to help you with various crucial services to help seniors live safely and comfortably. Our geriatric care managers can help with any of the following:

  • FREE Senior Placement Services. Assist with relocating a senior to memory care, assisted living, or other board and care settings that offer direct care.
  • Crisis intervention to stabilize a crisis situation and help find short- and long-term solutions.
  • Arrange home visits and recommend the services a senior needs, as well as care planning assessment to identify their strengths, needs, and any needed assistance. An assessment will also help determine a senior’s eligibility for assistance.
  • Discuss difficult topics for the senior and family and complex issues, such as legal and financial planning, medical issues, dementia, incontinence, driving, independence, placement or relocation, and family dynamics.
  • Evaluate and coordinate a senior’s in-home care needs, assist with referrals to geriatric specialists and other professionals as needed, and select care personnel.
  • Educate seniors, their families, and caregivers about self-care tips, services available, public and private services, medical options, and community resources.
  • Provide referrals to organizations, professionals, and support groups as needed.  Call Now 949-278-6181
Senior Living Care Giver Woman helping old man in wheelchair in Texas and California

Senior’s Safety is our priority

The services we provide are vital to ensuring seniors stay safe and receive the care and support they need, and families get peace of mind knowing their loved ones are taken care of. If you need any of the mentioned services, contact us today to learn more about the geriatric care management services or FREE Senior Placement from The Way to Aging in California or Texas.

Family Yolanda Lawler, MASM RCFE Gerontologist Orange County California & Texas

The Way to Aging

Available 24/7

Serving California

Orange County, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino,

Long Beach  San Diego

Now Serving Texas

North Texas Dallas, Rockwall TX, Plano TX, Frisco,

Royse City, Dallas, Forth Worth, Mansfield, Mesquite TX,

Richardson, Royse City, Sherman Texas, Wylie TX, Anna TX,

Heath TX, Mesquite, Richardson TX, Allen, Farmersville,

Wylie TX, Princeton, Prosper TX,  McKinneySherman TX,

Fort Worth, Weatherford TX, Mellissa, Grapevine TX,

Heath TX; Rowlett, Little Elm, Celina TX, Irving, Mansfield TX,

Midlothian, Waxahachie TX.